- The return of the AC-module inverter
H. Oldenkamp, I.J. de Jong
Paper presented at the 24th EU PVSEC, Hamburg, 21-25 September 2009
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- Next generation of AC-module inverters
H. Oldenkamp, I.J. de Jong
Paper presented at the 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Vienna, 6-10 July 1998
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- AC modules: past, present and future
H. Oldenkamp, I.J. de Jong
Paper presented at the workshop Installing the future, 22-23 January 1998, Hatfield, U.K.
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- Nieuwe technologie zorgt voor prijsdoorbraak van OK4-100 mini inverter voor wisselstroompanelen (in Dutch)
H. Oldenkamp, I.J. de Jong, C.W.A. Baltus, S.A.M. Verhoeven
Bijdrage aan de Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie, 17-18 november 1997, Ede
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- Advanced high frequency switching technology of OK4 AC modules inverters break the 1 US$/Watt price barrier
H. Oldenkamp, I.J. de Jong, C.W.A. Baltus, S.A.M. Verhoeven
Paper presented at the 14th Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 30 June - 4 July 1997
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- Recent test results of AC module inverters
C.W.G. Verhoeven, C.F.A. Frumau, E. de Held and W.C. Sinke
Paper presented at the 14th Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 30 June - 4 July 1997
- Reliability and accelerated life tests of the AC module mounted OKE4 inverter
H. Oldenkamp, I.J. de Jong, C.W.A. Baltus, S.A.M. Verhoeven, S. Elstgeest
Paper presented at the 25th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington D.C., May 13-17, 1996
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- Application note OKE/9601 OK485 interface. Internal NKF/OKE report, August 17, 1996
- Application note OKE/9602 OK485 interface. Internal NKF/OKE report, August 15, 1996
- Competitive implementation of multi-kilowatts grid connected PV-systems with OKE4 AC modules
H. Oldenkamp, S.W.H. de Haan, I.J. de Jong, C.W.A. Baltus, C.F.A. Frumau, S.A.M. Verhoeven
Paper presented at the 13th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Nice, France, 23-27 October 1995
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- Test results of a 130W AC module; a modular solar ac power station
S.W.H. de Haan, H. Oldenkamp, E.J. Wildenbeest
Paper presented at the 1994 IEEE First World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Waikoloa, Hawaii, December 5-9, 1994
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- Development of a 100W resonant inverter for ac modules
S.W.H. de Haan, H. Oldenkamp, C.F.A. Frumau, W. Bonin
Paper presented at 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-15 April 1994
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- PV-watchdog: a PV-module integrated sensor for clear, cost effective monitoring
Henk Oldenkamp, Bernd Litzenburger, Lars Podlowski, Irene de Jong
Paper presented at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milano, Italy, September 2007
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- PV-Watchdog: Effektives Monitoring von PV-Modulen (in German)
H. Oldenkamp, B. Litzenburger, L. Podlowski
Paper presented at the Otti Forum, Staffelstein, Germany, March 2007
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- Haalbaarheidsstudie visuele indicator voor functioneren pv-modules (in Dutch)
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong
Public report with the results of the study into the feasiblity of the PV-watchdog, compiled for the Netherlands agency for energy and the environment (SenterNovem) to complete the feasibility project subsidized by the Nieuw Energieonderzoek-programma (NEO) (in Dutch), November 2005
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- PV-wirefree: results of the proof-of-principle project and final system design
Irene de Jong, Henk Oldenkamp, Esther Hebly, Bart de Boer, Hugo de Moor, Wim Sinke
Paper presented at the 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 2005
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- PV-wirefree versus conventional PV-systems: detailed analysis of difference in energy yield between series and parallel connected PV-modules
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong, Nico van der Borg, Bart de Boer, Hugo de Moor, Wim C. Sinke
Paper presented at the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, France, June 2004
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- PV-wirefree versus conventional PV-systems: detailed analysis of difference in energy yield between series and parallel connected PV-modules
Henk Oldenkamp
Presentation held at the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, France, June 2004
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- PV-wirefree versus conventional PV-systems: detailed analysis of difference in energy yield between series and parallel connected PV-modules
Henk Oldenkamp
On-line power point presentation held at the 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, France, June 2004
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- Duurzaamheid van fotovoltaïsche systemen op basis van geavanceerde silicium technologie (in Dutch)
Erik Alsema
Public report, Universiteit Utrecht Copernicus Instituut Sectie Natuurwetenschap en Samenleving, ISBN 90-393-3581-8, January 2004
In this report an environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is made of advanced production technologies for crystalline silicium modules in comparison with the existing production technology. Among the investigated technologies are Solsilc solar-grade silicium, Ribbon-Growth-on-Substrate and Edge-defined Film-fed Growth. Also an assessment is made of new solar inverter types and novel roof-integration concepts, like PV-wirefree. Based on these analyses potential improvements in the environmental profile of photovoltaic systems are evaluated. Also energy pay-back times and CO2 emissions of the considered PV systems are calculated. Finally options for technological improvement are presented.
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- PV-wirefree: bringing PV-systems back to their essentials
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong, Bart de Boer, Wim C. Sinke
Paper presented at the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka, Japan, May 2003
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- PV-wirefree: bringing PV-systems back to their essentials
Henk Oldenkamp
Presentation held at the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka, Japan, May 2003
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- PV-wirefree: bringing PV-systems back to their essentials
Henk Oldenkamp
On-line power point presentation held at the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka, Japan, May 2003
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- Zonnecel zonder bedrading goedkoper en veiliger (in Dutch)
Rijkert Knoppers
Article published in Technisch Weekblad about PV-wirefree concept, November 2002
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- (K)eine gute idee (in German)
Anne Kreutzmann
Article published in Photon about the PV for Europe conference, November 2002
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- Projectrapportage Haalbaarheidsstudie PV-wireless (in Dutch)
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong
Public report with the results of the study into the feasiblity of PV-wireless, compiled for the Netherlands agency for energy and the environment (Novem) to complete the feasibility project subsidized by the Nieuw Energieonderzoek-programma (NEO) (in Dutch), November 2002
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- PV-wirefree: Redesigning and innovating the grid-connected PV systems
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong, Wim C. Sinke
Paper presented at PV for Europe conference, Rome, October 2002
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- Flyer PV-wirefree - redesigning PV-systems
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong
Flyer presented at PV for Europe conference, Rome, October 2002
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- PV-wirefree: Redesigning and innovating the grid-connected PV systems
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong
Poster presented at PV for Europe conference, Rome, October 2002
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- Detailed analysis of currents in PV-shunts
Henk Oldenkamp
Technical note which set the basics for PV-wirefree, 18 February 2002
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- Projectrapportage Haalbaarheidsstudie spanningsvermenigvuldiger, 30 December 2006 (confidential)
Report with the results of the study into the feasiblity of the voltage multiplier, compiled for the Netherlands agency for energy and the environment (SenterNovem) to complete the feasibility project
- Maximum Power Point tracking performance under partially shaded PV array conditions
Roland Bruendlinger, Benoît Bletterie, Matthias Milde, Henk Oldenkamp
Paper presented at the 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Dresden, Germany, September 2006
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- Additional requirements for PV inverters necessary to maintain utility grid quality
in case of high penetration of PV generators
Henk Oldenkamp, Irene de Jong, Peter Heskes, Paul de Rooij, Hugo de Moor
Paper presented at the 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 2005
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- Detailed description of RIN measurement, Technical Note NKF Electronics Group, 22nd of April 1991
- Final report of activities on the training on the 12-channel two-band FDM carrier system, 23rd of November 1989.
- Course on the Transmission equipment and system, the 12-channel two-band FDM carrier system for VF-cables (co-author with I.de Jong)
Used for the course on the Iraq Expressway Number 1, Roadside Telephone System in Iraq, September 1989
- Final report on noise measurements. Kenya Railways Telecommuniation Project, Nairobi-Mombasa, 1st of May 1989
- In total 76 measuring reports and 19 technical notes were produced related to the project Performance testing of several water pumping windmills at the Almere test site.
- Verslag van metingen aan CWD's waterpompende windmolens op het Almere testveld tijdens de storm van 25 januari 1990
[Report on field measurements on CWD's water pumping windmills executed during the storm of the 25th of January 1990]. March 1990
- Eindrapportage van het CWD-projekt Rotor- en kruimetingen aan CWD's waterpompende windmolens
[Final report of the CWD-project on Rotor and yaw measurements carried out on CWD's water pumping windmills, in Dutch], January 1990
- Simulation of the dynamical behaviour of a water pumping windmill in the hysteresis region.
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R924D, June 1988.
- Quantitive analysis of the hysteresis effect of a water pumping windmill.
Paper presented at the CEC-meeting, Joint test site project, European Wind Turbine Standard on Performance Determination, June 1988, Petten, The Netherlands and at the 8th International Meeting of Test Stations for Wind Turbines, October 1988, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Field measurements on the CWD 5001 performed in the period 85.05.18 to 85.12.18.
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R834D, January 1987.
- Laboratory measurements of a pump with a floating valve (co-author with F. Verheij).
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R827D, December 1986.
- Field testing of water pumping windmills by CWD
J. van Meel, H. Oldenkamp, P. Smulders, A. van der Nat and E.H. Lysen)
Paper presented at the EWEC 1986, 7-9 October 1986, Rome, Italy
- Pump research by CWD: the influence of starting torque of single acting piston pumps on water pumping windmills
H. Cleijne, H. Oldenkamp, P. Smulders and F. Verheij
Paper presented at the EWEC 1986, 7-9 October 1986, Rome, Italy
- Field measurements on the CWD 2000 between 85.03.28 and 85.08.10 (co-author with N.Pieterse).
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R765D, November 1985
- Enige resultaten van CWD testvelden en het belang ervan voor de economische haalbaarheid
[Some results of CWD's test fields and the importance for economic feasibility, in Dutch]
J. van Meel, H. Oldenkamp, A. van der Nat, N. Pieterse, R. Schermerhorn and J. Horijon
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R709D, February 1985
- Field measurements on the CWD 2000 and the WEU-I-3 performed in the period 84.11.27 until 85.01.04
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R709D, February 1985
- Field measurements on the CWD 2000 and the WEU-I-3 performed in the period 84.11.13 until 84.11.25
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R696D, January 1985
- Manual for a windmill measuring system, based on an Apple II micro computer
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Physics, Wind Energy Group, Internal report R647D, March 1984
- Field performance monitoring system for water pumping windmills (co-author with J.van Meel)
Wind Engineering, vol.8, no.4, pp. 253-270