About OKE-Services OKE-Services is the one-man company of Henk Oldenkamp, an inventor "pur sang" in the field of (power) electronics. OKE-Services focuses its activities on designing and developing highly efficient and innovative electronics for photovoltaic solar energy applications. These are primarily intended to stimulate the use of photovoltaic systems. However, OKE-Services also designs converters and power supplies for consumer electronics and other electric apparatus aiming at a more efficient use of energy. Designing and developing new products can be either on Henk’s own initiative, in cooperation with an interesting party, or by order of a third party. Currently OKE-Services is developing small inverters for photovoltaic systems for SMA. For more information please read further about AC-modules. Besides designing and developing electronics, OKE-Services also advises about renewable energy, and sells photovoltaic systems and small wind turbines. These activities are being executed together with Irene de Jong in the renewable energy shop EVA, Energie Voor Altijd (Energy For Ever) at Keizerstraat 121 in Scheveningen (The Hague) in The Netherlands.